Safe Homes, Safe Communities

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Case Management Services

Our Beliefs & Skills for Domestic Peace partner abuse intervention program (PAIP) is the only one to include a significant case management component. This is significant since most of those who come through our doors bring a constellation of other unmet personal needs that they often consider more urgent than addressing their abusive behavior. Also, because the majority of participants are economically disadvantaged, they may face challenges such as lack of transportation that make it difficult to keep appointments and follow through with referrals even when required as a condition of receiving our services. So, case management assistance can be extremely beneficial in addressing these barriers and helping participants navigate what can sometimes be a complicated labyrinth of social services.

How it works
As part of the initial intake process, program assessors work collaboratively with participants to identify those issues considered to be most urgent and establish an individualized plan of action. Referrals are then made to appropriate services, which may include everything from substance abuse treatment and mental health counseling to GED classes and job readiness training. Information about the referral is passed on to the intervention group co-facilitators who, along with social work interns, share responsibility for follow-up and ongoing service coordination. Throughout the 24-week Beliefs & Skills program, staff also assist participants with immediate needs such as finding housing, obtaining employment and signing up for health insurance.

Benefits of our holistic approach
Since we began providing case management services [in 2010?], we have seen first hand how helping participants find, obtain and utilize collateral resources yields significant benefits – for them, their partners and families - including:

  • Enhancing participants’ motivation to regularly attend group sessions and overall investment in the intervention process;

  • Improving self-care and other indicators of well-being, including reducing physical and emotional stressors that can put participants at greater risk of abusive behavior;

  • Promoting economic stability and strengthening participants’ ability to contribute toward the support of their children; and,

  • Increasing the likelihood for successful PAIP completion, which in turn leads to healthier relationships and safer communities.

Along with the direct benefits case management offers participants, it has also greatly enhanced the effectiveness of our staff and intervention services. The process of creating a rich provider network for referrals has also enabled us to forge stronger connections to other community organizations and build new alliances to further our mission of ending domestic violence.